Monday, August 30, 2010

College Essay 1

Write an essay in which you tell us about someone who has made an impact on your life and explain how and why this person is important to you.

Back in the day, my dad was known as Professor Live. Oddly, he gave himself this nickname. Once I read the book Black boy by Richard ....The author, who shared certain characteristics with my father. By all means, my dad has been the strongest influence

Choose an issue of importance to you—the issue could be personal, school related, local, political, or international in scope—and write an essay in which you explain the significance of that issue to yourself, your family, your community, or your generation.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Pride and Piano

In the late of night, I can appreciate the harmonious sound of a piano. This sound could be the narrator of my life. The expression of my feelings, in a way that words could not handle. I just wonder what kind of human being could possibly create something so meaningful. All of the people I've met have left an imprint on my life. I find it hard to see it as an imprint, because people come and go like cats. Are people good? Do they have a sincere desire to do the right thing? Or is every action done in the name of functional altruism, in which an organism displays signs of kindness only for the respect from beings of the same kind? Gandhi was a good man. At least I have to believe that. All of what he did was in the name of good, was it not?

Why is the bedroom so cold? Why do you turn on your side?
Love will tear us apart again.

My Muse:


Yann Tiersen

le fabuleux destin d'amélie poulain ost

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Bang Bang

Contemplating my life by moments is how I find myself able to reflect on the past.
All the moments, all the people, all the songs, all the smells, make me smile.

Interesting Concept of the Day
: Depressive Realism
Depressive realism is the proposition that people with depression actually have a more perception of accurate reality, specifically that they are less affected by positive illusions of illusory superiority, the illusion of control and optimism bias. The concept refers to people with borderline or moderate depression, suggesting that while normal people see things in an overly positive light and severely depressed people see things in overly negative light, the mildly discontented grey area in between in fact reflects the most accurate perception of reality.

I love how I can take something simple and change it into something so in depth, I can't let go.

Ambiance, melancholy, and atmosphere
If he has been free-spiriting for any length of time, he soon feels duty bound to analyze his behavior and systematize it. While if he has been in an analytical mode for a while, he will soon decide that he can do what he wants freely after all.

First is First.

Just stumbled upon a website called It has become one of my main providers of new music, that and musicrecovery. Finding recent music that I love (Beach House, Animal Collective, Cat Power) only encourages me to feed my insatiable hunger for new and soulful music!